Life as an artist...
I enjoy observing pure abstract art; the kind where no realistic images exist, just color and form. However, I am mostly unable to create in this more playful manner. I am driven to try to understand the meaning, philosophy and even the poetry of art. I do search for new ways to examine realistic imagery through a contemporary, more meaningful (to me) lens. I am an advocate of technical skill, especially drawing as a basis for my two-dimensional artwork. Through collecting and assembling what some call "junk" I can allow myself experimentation with themes that intrigue me and the inclusion of found objects and other elements give playful satisfaction and loosen the grip of over-analysing and over-working pieces. Looking over my work for the past several years I recognize a thread that runs through so much of it as I search for aspects of dark and light themes. I feel that what is seen as "evil" is often projected onto innocents and really exists only in the human realm. I examine this possibility through the inclusion of these aspects using symbolic imagery that gives my work a surrealistic flavor. As I matured over the years as an artist and creative person I developed an interest in the psyche as it colligates to this creative process. My introduction as a young college student to the work of C.G. Jung, perusing the book Man and His Symbols began a deep interest in the psyche and its connection with what I conjectured in my finals paper for the Union Institute and University as the Artist Archetype .... a innate feeling of being driven to create...every moment, everywhere, all times; working out meaning and message to produce the aesthetics of personal art. Through this I hope to connect with my audience more directly.
I have many places to create my ideas, some formal studio space, sometimes it’s the kitchen or garage.